Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 9: 30.9.12. Ceduna - Shelley Beach Caravan Park to a Bush Camp near Talia Caves.

Today we eventually proceeded south down the Eyre Peninsula after some further fuelling and phaffing around with tyres, shopping etc.

We headed for Streaky Bay – with a stop at Smoky Bay – where we walked the pier, which had lotso of cormorants, some pelicans and some dolphins to view. Some more crabbers, and most excitedly Mary M spotted seal off a nearby breakwater, when we drove around it was actually 5 seals and we all got some great views and hopefully some good photos.

We also dropped into Haslem, had lunch at Streaky Bay, did a lovely scenic drive around the Westall Way Loop – which provided views of Yanerbie White sands, The Granites, High Cliffs and Tractor Beach.

The next destination was Murphy’s Haystacks, which are rocks that are Inselbergs, and formed over millions of years. Also a really big bee hive.

The day was getting away from us…and it was time to find a camp. This proved quite a challenge. Then there were other things to stop and see which kept making camp time later. We finished off with a visit to the Talia Caves – The Tub and The Woolshed, again some great views and fantastic weathering of the coastline by the ocean, to form a great washout with a flow through to the ocean, which was belting in.

Further along another set of ‘caves’ – the Woolshed, which was a huge cavern carved out by the waves. The sun was getting pretty low and looked good, but we had seen an possible camping option on the roadway in…so we headed back to an off road campsite which was fabulous, and the last chance for a fire for Kate, as Mary, Phil and Kate were heading back tomorrow. We missed the sun setting as we were setting up tents amongst the rocky ground, but the moonrise was pretty good.

Kerri and Ro got right onto cooking the tea with a spag bol for us. Steve joined us for dinner, as it was pretty tight for time setting up camp, finding Reve, who had got a little ‘lost’ on a loo trip, fire etc etc.

Then we settled in for a bit of night on the ‘turps’ – with a mixture of red, white, whisky, gin, Kahlua, vodka, beer, cowboy, rum and tea and coffee being consumed around a lovely fire on a chilly night. The breathalyser was broken out with a few campers reaching the 0.2 limit of the machine.

It was really very chilly, but most people slept well and kept warm…
Pelican calisthenics on Smoky Bay swimming pool

These fellas were mesmerising on the rocks at Smoky Bay.

We were in all states of mesmerisation.

Our Seal group of 5.

Lovely colour on the rocks - somewhere.

The Tractor at Tractor Beach.

Murphy's Haystacks

Murphy's Haystacks

The Crew scattered amongst the Haystacks.

Dad & I at Murphy's Haystacks

One of the Features at Talia Caves.

The Tub

Lovely sunset light for photos.
Stef, Meg, Mary M.
View out from the Woolshed.

Sunset at the Woolshed rocks.

The Bar. your choice of Red, Vodka, Cowboy, Dimple, or beer,
or spirits - Kahlua, Bundy, Bourbon & Coke from the car.

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