Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 2 & 3: 23.9.12 Tintinarra to Glendambo 24.9.12 Glendambo, to a camp on Goog’s Track.

Day 2 : 23.9.12 Tintinarra to Glendambo
Day 3: 24.9.12. Glendambo, to a camp on Goog’s Track.
After a very long day’s driving yesterday, we finally arrived at Glendambo at about 9.30, with the last hour or so in the dark watching carefully for roos.

We had decided along the way to secure some accommodation at Glendambo rather than setting up camp late in the dark. So Meg phoned ahead and we booked out the bunkhouse for all 12 of use. Mary and Col had already arrived in Glendambo earlier and were camping.

Our day yesterday, began with breaky at the servo in Tintinarra, on through Adelaide, a stop for lunch at Lochiel and another stop for prawns near Pt Germein. There were several other little stops …more commonly referred to as ‘wee breaks.’ I was having a bit of trouble with my fridge, so we had to do some juggling of ice and eskies to get around.

                        Teddy hanging at Tintinara with Meg, Ro, Kerri and Milani.

Kerri cleaning the screen at

lunch at Lochiel. Kerri, Reve, Ro.

The old fashioned hallway carpet
at Tintinara Hotel.

Steve, Stef and Phil. Lunch at Lochiel


Milani and Teddy, Kate and Ted, ready to go at Lochiel
We made it to Port Augusta for fuel and the last shop for fruit and vegetables and the perishable stuff, ...
Packing the last minute purchases. Always a logistical nightmare
in an already 'full' vehicle. Phil and Mary.

Meg and Stef manage to stuff yet MORE food into Tuesday.
Dad walking away.

Sunset along the way between Port Augusta and Pimba.

...then eventually decided to stop for tea at Pimba, to let that horrible twilight travelling time pass by before proceeding onto Glendambo in the dark. Meg rang ahead and arranged accomm in the 3 room Bunkhouse. After showers etc, we gathered in the 'main lounge' for a nightcap or two.
Dad and Kerri in Bunkhouse lounge

Phil and Kate (on Mary's knee)

Ro and Phil in bunkhouse lounge.

Stef and Steve in Bunkhouse lounge.

After a mixed range of sleep in the Bunkhouse...

Ska in front of the Bunkhouse.
...we met up with Mary and Col...

who had arrived in Glendambo many hours before us, and were in bed by the time we arrived, we 'phaffed' around the fuel station and discovered Photosynth app on our phones (thanks to Anne OUthred and facebook- all the way from Brussels or somewhere European)
An early attempt with Photosynth. Check out the deformed Landcruiser (dubbed The Tank). Glendambo roadhouse.
Then after the obligatory group shot...

The crew is all here.
L-R. Milani, Meg & Stef in Tuesday. Steve & Reve in  Tank." Col and Mary in hte Troopy, John (Dad) & Ro in Riceli. Nicola & Kerri in Ska. Phil, Kate & Mary in Truck.
...we left the bitumen about 1 kilometre out of Glendambo...

...onto the road that basically runs along the trancontinental railway, we passed through the ghost town of Kingoonya then onto Tarcoola for another pub and cars shot..with photosynth again,

although I think people do live there, there was very little evidence.

Tarcoola Railway Station - we think the Ghan might stop there.
A stone tank and trough along the track.
Mary M and Col atop the stone tank wall.
In Tarcoola we went and visited that school and the power station and the mine.

We stopped for lunch just outside Tarcoola – the junction for the Indian Pacific and the Ghan rail lines.

As usual on our trips, we stopped at lots of flowers and other points of interest along the way.
Kerri on the line as we crossed one of many many times.

Railway crossing...we stopped at every one.

some sort of sack in trees - maybe ants/wasps/grubs? Can anyone help out?

A tree I liked.

a flower
amazing pigface

photographing flowers

a dog fence maybe and telegraph line.
After a few hours travel, we began Goog's Track for real.





We pulled up for camp about 4.00, prepared the fire, broke out the drinks and nibblies, including prawns from Dad.

Milani and Kate at camp

Col and Stef





Kerri and Steve



The fellas fixing the fridge and Mary M in the background.
Didn't manage to capture Mary M or Mary J - probably cos they weren't sitting still
We then – well mainly Stef, Steve, Phil, Col, Ro and I – had a go at repairing the fridge, which needed to be totally dismantled…about 40 screws and lots of tricky manoeuvres to check out the wiring and connections. It is currently back in the car and operating…tomorrow and time will tell whether successful or not. HUGE thanks to Stef and co. for their expertise, energy and persistence.

A lovely range of dinners on offer tonight, Kerri’s beef stew for us, Chicken Teriyaki for the Dundek/Walsh’s, Butter Chicken for the Willshire/Morgan’s, Chicken for Mary and Col, Stew with minted peas (oops!!!) for Steve and Reve.

A huge warm fire, and nice fine day and a lovely evening around it was a top off to a good day, which included lots of flowers, a few corrugations etc etc.

All in all a great first day ‘off road’.

Phone service most of the day, but none to put up the blog it seems.





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