Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 10: 1.10.12. Bush Camp near Talia Caves to Morgan’s Landing Camping area in Coffin Bay NP

A few sore heads this morning…but on the whole, most were backing up well.

We farewelled Mary, Phil and Kate who head home to day via Inglewood to visit friends, then Melbourne to drop Kate off, as Phil returns to work on Thursday.

The rest of us packed up slowly, to allow tents to dry in the sunshine and then headed south again, along the Flinders hwy, with a stop off at Walkers Rock, followed by a drive along the Clifftop Sculptures just north of Elliston then a coffee and look around Elliston, before hitting the hwy again with Coffin Bay in mind.

A slight detour to Greenly Mount and Greenly Beach for lunch. Col was checking it out for future hangliding adventures and John for future fishing adventures.

A stop for fuel and some icecreams in Coffin Bay, then off to the park entrance to pay our fees and enter Coffin Bay NP. We were planning to head up the coast a bit, but boy were there some marvellous views and flowers along the way, so as usual our progress was anything but fast.

We choofed in along the bitumen, seeing plenty of stumpy tails etc, then a stop to let tyres down before proceeding further along the park to our camp at Morgan’s Landing. The trip out required a drive along the Seven Mile beach, which was a good bit of fun. The views and blues of the sea were stunning. We set up camp and lit a little fire. Quite a cool evening, we held off our tea until we had moved out to the beach to watch the moon rise over the land and bay.

The cold sent us off to bed.
Farewell Mary, Phil and Kate. Safe trip home.

A little honesty system bakery. They bake bread in a tradtional
woodfired scotch oven. There was a range of breads, rolls, and
sticky buns Everything $4.00. We got some yummy bread
and sticky buns

Sign says it all

Milani paddling at Walkers Rocks beach.


Ellaston Clifftop scultpure drive.

The blue waters just kept getting bluer through the whole trip.

NOT Easter Island.

Local wildlife. We saw lots of snakes...all from the safety of
our vehicles, thank goodness. Skinny snakes down this way.

Driving and playing along the Seven Mile Beach in Coffin Bay NP.

Again, notice the blue water.
We had a brilliant view of moonrise. My
photographic skills have not quite got the
hang of it yet

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