Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 13: 4.10.12. Memory Cove camp in Port Lincoln NP to Foreshore CP at Cowell.

We made a record pack up time this morning, maybe thanks to such an early night, noticed a third boat had anchored in the cove overnight, said our final farewells to our beautiful private beach and then headed back out, through the locked gate, and off to Wanna Dunes for a play in the sand.

Wow, what dunes they were, heaps and heaps of unspoilt sand dunes, with a track wending through, guided by poles (similar to those you see indicating roads in the snow). The sand was quite white and just a lovely drive through. We had a bit of play on one dune and eventually got everyone to the top…it took a few attempts for all of us, but we all made it to the top. A great bit of fun to top off our last day.

It took a while to wend our way back through the dunes along the track smattered with rocky section here and there, which was slow going on tyres with low pressures. We stopped atop a bit of lookout to pump tyres up and spotted a huge ball of fish (salmon we think) just offshore down below the cliffs we were on. After continuing a little further on the rocky track we were back in dunes again, which required tyres down again. Some more dunes brought us to a rocky spot for lunch and a chance to pump ytres up AGAIN. Headed out of Port Lincoln NP via Sleaford mere and into town to fill up…which is a whole nother saga. We returned our keys to the gate and stopped at Caltex to fuel up all vehicles. Stef calmly walked into the shop and announced he had just pumped 113 litres of UNLEADED into his diesel fuel tanks…oops! We pushed the car out onto the road to begin draining the fuel, when the lady from the servo indicated a fisherman coming to fill up with unleaded…a deal was done and CHAD, the fisherman, left us with half a dozen jerry cans to fill and his phone number.

Stef and the boys proceeded to figure out how best to go about siphoning the tank into the jerries. After the ‘jigglers’ failed, Col proceeded to go with the old fashioned suck it up method, ahh the taste of diesel!. Anyway there was a slow flow this way, but not enough. We then pushed the car up onto the kerb to get a bit more angle on the tank. Decision made to now use the funnel under the drainage plug instead, into a jerry, then transfer to another jerry. A slow but successful method as it turned out. Well done to all. Stef got most out, Chad got some half price fuel, Stef refilled and we headed off again for our destination…Cowell Caravan Park and a lovely meal at the Franklin Harbour Hotel. All those who had the seafood were impressed…I had the best, most tender calamari I have ever eaten. Back to camp for showers then bed for the last night in the tents.


Oh and just so I remember to mention it. Rohan got sunburnt today!!!!!!
Last views of Memory Cove

Sunsrise colour over Memory Cove

Moonsetting over Memory Cove

Sunrise colour

Colouring the rocks on West side of Cove

Stints playing along the waters edge at sunrise

Sun hitting the boats.

Here comes the sun...

An interesting sponge

Our home for the last two weeks.

Some of us REALLY DID see parrots.
They were very colourful but hard to get close enough for a photo, so this one is heavily zoomed.
Colours from the Salvation Jane through to the dunes.

From the rocky plains towards the Dunes


Wanna Lookout.
View at Wanna lookout.

The Wanna Dunes track towards Sleaford Mare.

Playing on the that reversing lights we see Steve? or did you see a Parrot?

Made it this time.

Playing in the dunes.

Stef almost made it, Steve having a go.

Ska didn't make it all the way...the first time.

Nor did Riceli... NB. Col in the background letting MORE air
out of his tyres.

...despite trying really hard.

We finally all made it to the crest. Good fun.

Waves crashing on the rocks, while we were playing on the Dune

Ska took the lead, just checking that we had followers.

A large ball of fish, just off shore, looking down from the cliff,
where we first pumped up our tyres...only to hit more dunes just
over the hills a bit.

Some Emus on the dunes. We couldn't work out where
they get their fresh water from.
Emptying Stefs tank...accidentally filled up with unleaded not

It was a group effort, watching, filling, topping up the sugar.

Finally finished. Now back into the servo to fill again.

Cowell - Franklin Harbour Hotel, last dinner with Col and Mary.

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