Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 4: 25.9.12. Camp on Goog’s Track to another camp on Googs Track.

Some things we did today:
  • Bacon and Eggs on Steve’s fantastic grill plate.
  • Visit to Mt Finke
  •  Climbed Mt Finke.. 362m…reasonably warm day.
  • Fridge was fixed.
  • more driving
  • sandhills
  • flowers

Pulled up finally at a camp after several good ones were overlooked by Mary J,,, early camp to enable the preparations for a roast. Beef and Lamb accompanied by Sweet Potato, Potato Carrot, onion, butternut pumpkin, broccoli, bean and just for Kerri some cauli. Meats Magnicently cooked by the boys, while the girls looked after the vegies.

A few drinks and nibblies of course, some cowboys went down very nicely.

Nothing of any particular significance other than the great company and good teamwork that camping requires. Washing up, packing up, supporting each other’s breakages and failures.

Mt Finke - photosynth panorama - Col, Mary, Stef and Steve

Crew at top of Mt Finke. L-R. Steve, Kate, Phil, Kerri, Milani,
Ro, Col, Mary, Stef (squatting)

Part of the routine, erecting the toilet tent, over the toilet hole. Stef

A challenging sandhill, worth the climb for the photo. Mary
by foot, Stef from the top.
Mt Finke from the distance

Red Flowering gum on Mt Finke

Mary J preparing some nibblies I suspect

The vegies for the roast

Sunset over 'Roast camp'

The changing colours of sunset.

Sunset sequence

more purplish now

Colouring the clouds

All gone

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