Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 14: 5.10.12. Foreshore CP at Cowell to Oasis Motel, Nhill

OMG – we were packed up, breakfasted and ready to leave by 8.00. We farewelled Mary and Col who stopped off at Port Augusta this morning, to revisit the Arid Botanical Gardens, for a project Col is working on.

What a big day, we managed 841kms, having left at 8.00 and arrived at Nhill at 6.45 (SA time) 7.15 (Vic time) with 10 hours 45 minutes travelling time, this included two fuel stops, a lunch stop, a couple of toilet stops and one coffee/driver swap stop just out of Adelaide. This is a great days travelling. Not a whole lot to see, but interesting never the less. I got a chance to finish typing the blog notes, and began sorting some photos and some blogging, while Kerri drove.

Lovely meal at the Union Hotel, have decided these country pubs do a great meal cheaply…unlike many of the ‘gastro pubs’ we usually visit.
Stef almost finished, Steve still going, he is in Reve's tent
sweeping up for the last time. What a good son he is.

Travelling through Adelaide - 4 in  a row. Always a challenge
sticking together through traffic and traffic lights.

Our calculations for the day and what we can do comfortably in a day for future reference.
Not much time for photos today.

BTW – Ro is still whining (or wining) about his sunburn.

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