Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 5: 26.9.12. Another camp on Googs Track to camp by the lake…at Goog’s Lake.

Today began with the boys attempting to fix Dad’s dud battery etc etc. which meant a slightly late start. Mary J, Kerri and Reve took off before us for a walk.

We started with communal pancakes on Steve’s magnificent grill.

Off we set for a whole 60 something kilometres including a road to nowhere, a view over Googs lake, and several  sandhills that challenged a few (who shall remain nameless)

Went to Googs lake for a walk on/in the lake (a thin salt crust over mud) with temperatures well into the 30’s we were glad to hit the track for an early camp by the lake, which we shared with  large popn of flies until the sun set. The last of the prawns were quickly devoured in the hope that the flies would all swarm on the scraps…they didn’t!!!!

Dinners tonight: Spag bolx3, beef goulash and curried snags.

Campside bottle popping followed by some popping candy popping.

Mary M and Nic had a play with some tripod night photography by the lake.

Once again the boys tackled dads dud battery, while Megan the miraculous set up their camp single handled, as Stef was busy being all things to all repairs…both hearing aides and car batteries.

Mary M and Ro and Kerri tackled the drivers seat over the dunes today.

Lizard spotting at lunchtime, plus a Thorny Devil, up a tree during the day.

No particular plans for tomorrow.

Good fun times had by all.
sunrise at Goog's Lake camp

fixing Dad's dud battery - connections, fuses, something or other.

An obligatory flower

A little lizard who amused the papparazzi for a while at our lunch stop

Cars at edge of Goog's Lake. A salt lake, empty almost of water,
but only a soft crust to mud and yuk.

Ro and Mary M determined to start a fire using an alternative
method - Ro's ALDI magnifying glass. They had success.

Tea all done, fireside fun, Reve drying teatowels, some chocolate,
drinks, and popping of containers etc.

One of my attempts at time exposure of the almost full moon and stars
over Goog's Lake. Except this one has no moon.

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