Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 6: 27.9.12. Camp by the lake…at Goog’s Lake to Another camp by the lake…at Goog’s Lake.

Pack up as usual this am. The destination for the day was a side trip out to view some rockholes etc.

We saw some interesting plants again, a few sandflag pick up and re attachments.

The first stop was Lois Rock, a huge granite boulder in the middle of the sandy desert country, very were also some rock pools that were empty, but amazing weathering and colouring of the rock as well.

There was a quandong tree in the car parking area to check out.

The track into Lois Rocks was quite narrow and winding – a good fun track to drive on. Ska had no trouble with the narrowness and tight turns, I think some others – namely the “Tank” and the “Troopy” might have added a few scratches.

Out from Lois Rock we headed for Nalara (Narlara) Rockhole, VERY VERY windy, but some amazing holes in the rock that when filled with water provided water for the local people and animals. We lunched here. There were some beautiful butterflies, that when they flew were a brilliant purple inside their wings – no photo though they were too quick.

From there we headed further out towards Childara Rockhole on Everard Station, however, as we had not sought permission to enter the Station, and we couldn’t raise them on either radio or handheld, we stopped at the dog fence and gate, only to turn back to head to camp for the night.

It was a really warm day, temperatures in the 30’s, which was nice.

The trip out was about 70km I think, so it was a big day, our aim was back to the Lake, but we were running late, so looked for an earlier campsite, to no avail. We ended up back at the Lake a little further west than our first night, we missed the worst of the flies

A few of the crew atop some of the outcrops at Lois Rocks

View from boulders on Lois Rocks. A huge granite base rock
with outcrops etc. Very interesting.

a rockhole at Nalara rockhole. The green stuff is like a waterweed,
it was still damp, so not long had water in it.

John (Dad) on Nalara Rocks

Very windy up here, Ro and Mary M (holding her hat) Ro had to chase his.

The gate to Childara Rockhole.

Waiting to see if we could get in touch with the station owner by
Radio or Sat Phone. To no avail. Something for another time?

Mary and Phil's delicious damper.
Dinner winner for us for tea. Not sure about the others, it was a quick tea as we were trying to beat the night.

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