Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pre trip details

Well we are off again...for another outbackish 4wd adventure.

The plan of attack is to meet at Glendambo on Sunday night, after departing Moe on Saturday morning, with a stopover planned for Tintinarra.

For this blog, I plan to use mainly photos, with a little less writing. Not sure how that will go.

So the crew for this trip are:

Meg, Stef and Milani - in "Tuesday" the Landrover Discovery
Col and Mary - in the "Troopy" Toyota Landcruiser
Steve and Reve - in the brand new Toyota Lancruiser...yet to be named as far as I am aware.
John and Rohan - in "Riceli" - Toyota Hi Lux
Mary, Phil and Kate - in the Toyota Prado - not sure of the name at this stage
Nicola and Kerri - in "Ska" the Suzuki Grand Vitara

From Glendambo we will head out for Goog's Track, which will eventually take us South to Ceduna, and from there we plan a leisurely tour around the Eyre peninsula.

More as we go...